
filters pattren<filter>:<value>allow quick and precise access to the required information. These filters can be used in application programming interfaces (API) or user interfaces (UI).

texttext:<string>Any text content in general
ipip:<string>Specific IPAddressV4 if doesn't get results, please try again after a few minutes.
portport:<intger>Specific UDP or TCP port is a numerical value ranging from 1 to 60000.
serviceservice:<string>a service or application running on a remote computer that listens for incoming network connections or requests for examples HTTP, SSH, SMTP, POP3, IMAP
productproduct:<string>Specific software or information of these service running on a networked device for example Apache, MongoDB, vsftpd, Asterisk
versionversion:<string>Specific version or release of a software or service running on a networked device
infoinfo:<string>Additional information or details about a service or software version
cpecpe:<string>CPE stands for 'Common Platform Enumeration.' It is a standardized method for describing and identifying software applications A CPE name is typically structured as follows:cpe:/<part>:<vendor>:<product>:<version>
osos:<string>Operating System for example: linux, unix, windows, router
ispisp:<string>An Internet Service Provider is a company or organization that provides Internet access and related services to individuals, businesses, and other entities
orgorg:<string>organization that provides Internet access
citycity:<string>A specific city, for example, Baghdad
countrycountry:<string>A Specific Country, for example: Palestine
zipzip:<string>A Specific zipcode, for example: 90210


These options are only available in the applications programming interface (API).

apikeyA secret code that identifies a user or application. It's used to access data or services provided by an API.
size10The number of results retrieved in a single request. It determines the page size or the quantity the request should return.
page1Used to specify the desired page of results when using paginated search. It's often used in conjunction with 'size to segment results into pages, page = [1,2,3,n] -> results = [n*size] && skip = [n*size]
prettyfalseDetermines whether the retrieved data will be displayed neatly and organized in the browser.

Status Codes

This is all the expected responses from the server.

401Unauthorized - your api key is not valid or missing.
402Payment Requierd - service unavailable in current subscription
429Too Many Requests - you have reached the maximum number of requests.
410Subscription Expired - please renew your subscription.
500Internal Server Error - we encountered an unexpected error while processing yourrequest.
503Service Unavailable - the service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
504Gateway Timeout - the server did not receive a timely response from an upstream server.

Statistics Request

import requests

params = {
   "port": [80, 8080],
   "product": "apache",
   "country": "us",
   "apikey": "YOUR-SCRATE-APIKEY",

responce = requests.get("", params=params)

if responce.status_code = 200 :
   print(f"Request failed with status code: {responce.status_code}")
curl -X GET "" \
     -d "port=80" \
     -d "port=8080" \
     -d "product=apache" \
     -d "country=us" \
     -d "apikey=YOUR-SECRET-APIKEY" \
     -G \
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse("")
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true

params = {
  "port" => [80, 8080],
  "product" => "apache",
  "country" => "us",
  "apikey" => "YOUR-SECRET-APIKEY"

uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)

request =

response = http.request(request)

if response.code.to_i == 200
  puts response.body
  puts "Request failed with status code: #{response.code}"

Json Response:

  "country": {
    "Australia": 3008,
    "Iraq": 567,
    "Oman": 386,
    "Russian Federation": 607,
    "United States": 5561
  "isp": {
    "AMX Argentina S.A.": 418,
    "AS21565": 303,
    "HULUMTELE": 544,
    "INCAPSULA": 311
  "org": {
    "AMX Argentina S.A.": 418,
    "Breezeline": 729,
    "Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc.": 303,
    "Hulum Almustakbal Company for Communication Engineering and Services Ltd": 544,
    "Incapsula Inc": 311
  "os": {
    "IOS": 2,
    "Linux": 20,
    "Mac OS X": 2,
    "RouterOS": 6,
    "Windows": 6
  "port": {
    "161": 13714,
    "443": 486,
    "5060": 607,
    "80": 441,
    "8888": 281
  "total": 15430
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